Monday, March 29, 2010

SHE'S SMILING! I don't know if its gas, my post partum eyesight or what, but I SWEAR she has been smiling at me on a daily basis! When you have *face time* with her and she focuses on you, she smiles and shows her tiny little dimple in her right cheek...Adorable!

You may continue on with your daily lives once again...thank you!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy 1 month, Sugah!

Everyone told us that when your 2nd child comes along, time seems to fly by even quicker than before...and its so true! I'm trying to look back on the last month and discover where the time has gone!
Caitlyn is growing so quickly, eats like its her job (I guess it is)and gives us tiny baby smiles every once in a while. She's beautiful, precious and makes us so happy on a daily basis.

Liam is still being a terrific big brother to her and definately loves calling her his "Tiny Baby Caitlyn" while he pats her on her head. He helps with diaper changes, brings her his racecars (how long that will last is yet to be determined) and is protective of her when we go out. It's sweet to watch them together.

We also went out for the first time since Caitlyn was born for dinner with friends. At first, I thought it was too soon and that I was abandoning my daughter too early...then I remembered just how long it'd been since I had a glass of wine :) It was a lovely 2 hrs with friends and my husband!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ah elusive friend!

I know what you may be thinking, "well stop blogging for Heaven sake, if you're so sleep deprived"...but I can still manage to blog in between naps, feedings and craft time with the Bean.
Its not Sugah that's causing sleep deprivation on all her own, either...her big brother is helping nicely along with that. He decides to get up 1-2 times each night asking for water, more cuddle time or just because he can. When we manage to get him back to bed, Sugah feels that's the perfect time to ask for a feeding. *yawn*

On a brighter note, we celebrated her Tinyness' 1st birthday in Toronto yesterday! Apparently, we shopped and chose well with a wooden playcentre *thing* for Ni. All the kids played with it! (of course, after Liam and Lu tore into it!)
It was wonderful to see all our family and extended family there to celebrate my little Ni's birthay. Chelle & Ad got a faboosh cake from Yummy Stuff on Queen St.W that lived up to their name and put together a sweet party based on Ni's favourite book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". We ate all the foods found in the book...great idea!

I'm glad we were able to get down to Toronto for the party since I was going through some serious big sister withdrawl! She's so busy with work and her own 2 kidlets that we rarely get to talk or visit, but we make up for it each time we finally do see one another.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday to Tiny Baby Nico!

Today is my neice, Nico, 1st birthday! I'm not sure that I can even still call her "tiny baby Nico" anymore, but I'm gonna!

Happy 1st birthday, Ni!

Welcome to the world, SugahBaby!

So, as many of you already know...we have another baby!

Caitlyn Michelle Wright was born on Saturday, February 20th @ 8:39pm. She weighed in at 7lbs, 13 oz and 20 inches long. Just a mere pound lighter than her big brother...but what a difference a pound can make!

So far, she's the complete opposite of the Bean. She sleeps (*squee*), she eats very well and often and she rarely cries. Granted, she IS only 2 weeks old and things can change at the drop of a hat, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for long term success :)

Dad is thrilled to have his little Princess finally here. He's been waiting for our "million dollar family" for a long time. Why do they call it that anyway? LOL.

Personally, I'm wicked excited that I get to buy all kinds of pink crap for her! Everytime you go into H&M there are so many outfits screaming out to me..."PICK ME, LADY, PICK ME!" ...and now I can.

She's a beautiful little baby girl!