Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ok....so I've been "mothering" and haven't been "blogging"...whateves

I've been getting a few messages and comments passed along through my mom about the lame attempt I've made at this blog for SugahBaby...guess I better step it up.
She's now 5 months and even more beautiful than ever!
Looking back at Liam's blog (from his 1st year), I took at look at his 5 month photo and then hers...wow! No mistaking these two as siblings!
Our "little" girl is almost 17lbs and about 26 3/4 inches long. She loves to attempt to sit up on her own and enjoys bounching around in her borrowed (thanks Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Mono) Baby Einstein jumperoo.

She has started eating small amounts of cereal at dinnertime. She can't get enough of it! LOL. She grabs at the spoon when I don't get it in her mouth fast enough...she knows what she wants.